White Paper

The State of Rail Project Delivery 2023/24

How will rail operators deliver more than $1 trillion worth of new projects globally in the years ahead - while managing costs, providing confidence to stakeholders, and overcoming the limitations of current resource-intensive planning and risk processes while they do it? Grab our latest rail industry report to find out...

Our latest must-read white paper for project professionals involved in or interested in the future of rail infrastructure. The State of Rail Project Delivery 2023/24 highlights the pressing challenges faced by the industry, including the need to deliver over $1 trillion worth of new rail projects globally. This ambitious goal faces hurdles like managing costs, providing confidence to stakeholders, and overcoming the limitations of current, resource-intensive planning and risk processes.

The report, authored by nPlan's Commercial travel and transportation lead, Stephen McCartney, presents a detailed analysis of the rail project delivery crisis and offers innovative solutions. It delves into the data, revealing alarming statistics such as a 1 in 7 chance of construction projects being delivered on time. It emphasizes the deterioration of performance over the past decade and identifies unexpected areas of delay.

One of the key solutions proposed is the use of AI-led assurance, as exemplified by nPlan's approach. nPlan leverages the world's largest dataset of construction schedules to predict delays, identify critical risks, and suggest actions to enhance delivery confidence. The report shows how AI can revolutionize project management by providing unbiased, data-driven insights that can lead to significant improvements in performance and cost savings.

What you’ll learn from this white paper

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